Rockland County offers a highly educated, skilled and diversified workforce. Rockland also provides a spectrum of services and support to assist businesses with their workforce needs.
From job placement and course offerings that provide stackable pathways to careers, to opportunities for networking and mentorship, Rockland County is positioned to assist with a holistic approach to your workforce needs.
Civilian Labor Force (percent of population age 16+): 63.9%
Total Employer Establishments: 10,348
Top Industry Sectors by Employment:
*Source: US Census Bureau, County Business Patterns 2020.
Top Degrees Conferred by Institutions of Higher Education in Rockland*:
*Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System 2021.
Rockland County presents a unified front for businesses through its various partnerships and collaborations with local organizations including the following:
Rockland Community College’s Economic Mobility and Workforce Innovation Division designs courses and programs with flexible schedules, small class numbers, and reasonably priced tuition to meet the requirements of working adults.
Rockland Works is a grant-funded program offered in partnership with the Workforce Development Board of Rockland County (WDBRC). Rockland Works is the county’s one-stop employment and training resource, supporting both the employment and training needs of job seekers and the staffing needs of local employers. Located at the BOCES Educational Resource Center (BERC) in Nyack, all services are provided free of charge.
The Workforce Development Board of Rockland County (WDBRC) is a volunteer body responsible for policy guidance and oversight of workforce development in Rockland County. WDBRC directs federal, state, and local funding to programs for adults, dislocated workers and youth to help them acquire the skills employers want and help employers access the talent pool they need to compete and win in a global economy.
There are many benefits for businesses that hire people with disabilities. These include improvements in job retention; dependability and flexibility; attitude; profitability and a competitive advantage. Businesses that hire workers with disabilities may also be eligible for various state and federal tax incentives.
According to the Job Accommodation Network, the median cost to employers for providing accommodations for employees with disabilities is just $300 (one-time), and many accommodations are lower cost or even free. Hiring qualified workers of all abilities just makes good business sense!
For more information, please see the resources listed below.
ACCES-VR helps 13,000 individuals annually to find jobs. ACCES-VR partners with workforce development groups, Chambers of Commerce, and human resource groups to stay abreast of local business trends and your hiring needs.
ACCES-VR can assist businesses with the following:
BRIDGES was founded in 1987 under the name Rockland Independent Living Center (RILC). BRIDGES is a community-based, peer-driven, cross-disability, not-for-profit organization dedicated to advocacy and leadership on behalf of people with disabilities.
The Northeast ADA Center is a member of the ADA National Network, which is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.
The ADA Center provides information, guidance, and training on implementation of all aspects of the ADA. Located at the Yang-Tan Institute in the ILR School at Cornell University, the ADA Center’s staff consists of individuals with and without disabilities who have extensive experience in the disability field.
The Northeast ADA Center also provides information and resources to assist small business in successfully hiring and retaining people with disabilities through its Small Business At Work Toolkit.
The mission of the Rockland County Office for People with Disabilities (RCOPWD) is to provide information, resources, and advocacy, and to promote independence and well-being for Rockland County residents with disabilities.